Tuesday, July 19, 2005

“we shall have our own medium.”

7/20/05, 8:34 AM, this planet K.
from a letter to professor Yahya Kamalipour

.........., yet, as a student of Media (M.A.H., form Center for Media Study, SUNYAB, 1979) I like to share some views about the root cause of all these existing “conflicts”!

If we up-grade ‘social responsibility’ into Human Responsibility, then in this small “village”, if we love Freedom of Press, as the New York Times reporter has rightly said, “we shall have our own medium.”!

Attached I send you some of my ‘emotional/professional’ writings, just after the sept.11th, same year.
The more it goes on, the more I see and feel the need to establish a “center” to “broadcast love” , as the MOTHER- emotion. At the present, we usually DO broadcast the “opposite Emotion”, HATE! So we can make a ‘shift’!
A very “delicate shift” from hate to love is what we can design and implement. If you see any “reason” and solidity in these writings, please accept them as my offer to establish such a center on this earth, while we are “over” it.(not “under it”!)
Still, I am sure that if we “postpone” and do not do it in this life, some other souls will do it, in future. The point is that we need such a “laboratory” to transform the basic emotion of hatred into its opposite, love!
If I had enough material resources, I would create such a Media Lab, right here, in this planet K. If you know a ‘source” to support this project professionally AND financially, please let me know. I remember spending my last weeks and last dollars in NYC, spring 1979, on writing a “professional media project”, to create one dedicated INTERNATIONAL Instructional TV station, for “(Real!) Islamic values” (Peace , surrender , brotherhood , justice ……. all these “ideals”!). The project was initially approved by the responsible “brothers” in the Foreign Ministry, in 1979, but later, due to the of Battle for Power, none of these educational/instructional projects were given any chance to flourish. Instead they used the existing facilities for their own way of ‘ideological education’(exploitation!), which has been a sheer failure ever since!

I have ideas about making radio/tv programs + live shows, to generate and broadcast positive energies to “balance out” the existing negative forces of terror, violence, lower desires and hatreds.
This planet K, which I am living in, now, is an ideal place to start the project and as soon as it is established, it can “move” and be “mobile”!
Waiting for your kind comments!
Mohsen khatami

NewTool4NewMan = Basic Blogging, definitions....

Blogging Basics

What's a weblog?
A weblog, or "blog", is a personal journal on the Web. Weblogs cover as many different topics, and express as many opinions, as there are people writing them. Some blogs are highly influential and have enormous readership, while others are mainly intended for a close circle of family and friends.

Why are blogs important?
The power of weblogs is that they allow millions of people to easily publish their ideas, and millions more to comment on them. Blogs are a fluid, dynamic medium, more akin to a "conversation" than to a library — which is how the Web has often been described in the past. With an increasing number of people reading, writing, and commenting on blogs, the way we use the Web is shifting in a fundamental way. Instead of primarily being passive consumers of information, more and more Internet users are becoming active participants. Weblogs allow everyone to have a voice.

What are common misperceptions about weblogs?
The main misconception about blogs is that they are only personal diaries. Weblogs come in all flavors, from personal journals that are mainly shared with close friends and family, to blogs with readership levels placing them in the league of mainstream media. Blog topics include political commentary, product reviews, scientific endeavors, and any area of information where people have a deep expertise and a desire to express it.

What is a blogger?
A blogger is someone who writes a blog.
What is the blogosphere?
Blogosphere is a word used to describe the online community of bloggers and their writings.

How is a weblog different from a website?
A weblog is a website that is updated frequently, most often displaying its material in journal-like entries.

What is a weblog post or entry?
An entry, a post, or a posting, are the terms often used to refer to a specific article or commentary written by the blogger on his or her weblog.

What is a comment?
Many weblogs allow readers to write a reaction to what was written in the blog entry. Comments can often be found directly following the blog entry.

What is RSS?
RSS is a file format that allows anyone with a website — from large media companies to individual commentators — to easily "syndicate" their content, similar to how comic strips and popular columns are syndicated by their owners to hundreds of newspapers. Except that on the Web, the RSS syndication is usually free, and the content that is syndicated is often not the full entry, but excerpts and links back to the originating website. Technorati uses RSS to track updates to millions of blogs.

What's the relationship between blogging and journalism?
Weblogs are different from traditional media. Bloggers tend to be more opinionated, niche-focused, and partisan than journalists, who strive for editorial objectivity. Blogs encourage dialog with readers, which is why many traditional journalists now also have blogs. The relationship between blogging and journalism can be characterized as symbiotic rather than competitive. Bloggers are often sources for journalists, and many blogs contain commentary and riffs on what journalists wrote that day. Frequently newsmakers use blogs to respond to what journalists write about them. And by linking to traditional media, weblogs can introduce new readers to journalists and their publications.

Are weblogs a business or a hobby?
For most people, blogging is a hobby. For some, especially journalists, writers, and business and political leaders, writing blogs enhances their professional careers by giving their voices a broader audience and allowing more engaged contact with their readers, constituents, and customers. Some bloggers have readership numbers approaching that of big media and are able to earn income from their popularity.

What is a permalink?
The homepages of most weblogs have several entries, or posts, listed on them. Because blogs tend to be frequently updated, articles you find on a weblog's homepage one day may not be there the next. A permalink is the permanent identifier to a specific weblog post or article. Bloggers love permalinks — they provide an easy way to capture specific references to posts or articles about which bloggers are writing.

Why is linking so important?
A link from one weblog to another helps provide context around an argument or point, and it is essentially a "vote of attention" from one blogger to another. By linking to another site or blog, the weblog author is saying, "I find what you are saying important enough to link to it." Linking also helps create the conversation of the Web, the critical mass of connected thought that is not available in static text.

What is Technorati?
Technorati is the leading monitor of the world of weblogs. Technorati is a real-time search engine that is the largest source of fresh information about the global and local conversations going on all across the Web. Technorati allows you to find out what people are saying about you, your company, your products, your competitors, your politics and, other areas of interest, on the Internet in real time.

For more in-depth information about Technorati's service,
please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.
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to get a sense of weblogging during the conventions.

Monday, July 18, 2005

New, NOT Old جدید: نه قدیم

What is archived here,
is 'supposed to be' NEW
So, please forgive if it is not the 'sameoldstuff'!
New friends and colleagues are welcomes to join and share.
آنچه اینجا بایگانی می شود
قرار است "تازه" باشد
پس لطفاٌ ببخشید اگر همان چیزهای کهنه نیستند!
از حضور دوستان تازه و همکاران جدید استقبال می شود

mass psychology of our mad world ....

new oldspecies to exinc tall of us

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Who is doing what?


6/25/2003, 10:01 PM

Who is doing what, at the DF,"Devil Front", in Persia, today?

1. “shah” (King) akbar, rafsanjani:
role / function:
Head of the Shadow Government, the “true godfather for the criminals.”
a living "symbol" of that "little king of ego" (in our collective unconsciousness!)

2. Ali Ye Dast (one-hand), khameneii: (lost his right hand for the devil, by a younger devil, of a different “rank”!
role / function:
“VALI (Friend) of SAFIH (The ignorant)”, “Boss” for the ignorant violent street-mobs.

3.“Jannati”, Duzakh-makan: The Hell Dweller, he is on his 'death bed' already and may "pop off", any moment!
role / function:
The permanent secretary for the CDG,“Council of Devil Guardians”or SMS, Shoraye Mohafeze Sheytan”)! Managing and financing the “army” of Devil, with the “dirty money”(drug-smuggling money and other economically “illegal” acts, such as exporting “antiques”), provided by the “king” and the ‘boss”, ; preventing and suppressing all the divine energies, to be manifested through “legal channels”.

4. Saeede mortazavi ,
role / function:
The “butcher”, an “experienced” VIP in LCB “legal crime business”! A special agent of dark forces, a local LREE, “Legal Representative of Evil Energy”. His “Mission Possible” now, is to arrest, imprison and murder anyone who is opposed to the unjust inhuman regime of IRI (Irreligious Rotten Impotent!). After leaving a bulky record of “murdering more than 100 newspapers and media”, over the past 6 years, recently, he is “wisely” appointed by the “king of devils”, to suppress all domestic oppositions, functioning as Modaee ol omum ,the Public Prosecutor. What an “evil wisdom”! What a shame! What a shame! He is responsible for all “official legal crimes” happening in the land, in an increasingly rapid rate. He must be ready to face the grave consequences of his evil deeds (issuing “orders” to arrest and imprison the students and other innocent people). He is well qualified as a “true criminal” in any international “court of law”
The “law” that he has been following and obeying so far, has been the “law of jungle”, giving him the "authority" for his inhuman 'orders', and he deserves the highest possible punishment for his dirty deeds. What could be a “fair humane punishment" for a “murderer of 100 + media”? A long period of ‘silence’ in the group, maybe?! Or………? Please give your imaginative ideas: What to do with this enemy of freedom and justice?

5. Ali Chaakhaan ( the liar) Larijani,
role / function:
Head of the IRIB (Irresponsible Rude Inhuman Broadcasting), a true symbol for LIE and LEING, “on the air”! He and his famous family members are “official” agents of the Dark forces, and their “ties”, with the Western conservative politicians are brighter than the sunshine! Another contemporary “Rashidian brothers”, in the 40’s and 50’s!

6. Mahmude Araghi, Shahrudi, a nasty “foreigner” __ by his Surname, Araghi
role / function:
Head of the GS, “Ghovveye Setamkar”,or UF, “UNJUSTICE FORCE” ( the Judiciary system), He is solely responsible for turning the above mentioned, “ruined system” (his own quotation!), into a very dangerous force for “Legal Suppression” of our people!

7. Habibollah (funny name! Actually, another enemy of Allah! Because, he lies a lot! A professional liar cannot be a “friend of the truth” (Allah)!) asgaroladi, NAmoslman (because a “mosalman” or a Muslim, never lies!):
role / function:
Head of the “motalefe”, "chief " of ECF, “Evil Coalition Forces”,(league-leader of the coalition, from the greedy-bazaar to the empty mosques!) in charge of “charging” the “air” with hatred and violence! He is a “beloved brother” of ”king akbar”, and a great ‘resource’, when it comes to financial /emotional support to feed the ANSAR , or FO “friends of devil”, the army of street mobs, attacking, beating and suppressing the innocent people)! He also heads the most obscene and crooked “charity organization on the earth”: “Emdad Committee”, or HFS (Help From Satan)!

Seven is a symbol for many, and indeed their numbers are much more! So, this list can be extended to include other “dirty souls” (dirt of lower ego: hatred, greed, ambition, violence, ill-will, etc.) Egos such as khazali-arabe vahshi ( the wild arab); mesbahe yazdie, “messenger of violence”; niyazie bi-chashm-o-ru, the shamless, faceless liar; ruhe shetani, Hosseiniane shekanje-doost (the torture-lover), Shariatmadari (the “special” enemy of love and truth!); rafighdoost; taraghi; taraghi; haddade-Naadel……….

But these “evil characters” are less than 10% of the whole population! The point is to see these “powerful minority”, as they are, destructive and merciless; and do not "judge" or “generalize” their behavior as the attitude of Iranians. Our people are fed up with these "oppressors" and deserve freedom from their oppression. We have got "the lesson" from our “1979 blind revolt” and 24 years of all kinds of madness and injustice is enough of a “punishment” for us! We need some “fresh air”!

May the noble people of Persia be freed
from the “clutches” of these “inhuman characters”!

May the divine forces of love and compassion come to rescue the masses,
from their Evil trap.

May all the “criminals”, in any robe and any rank,
come to face the consequences of their deeds,
without further violence and bloodshed….

How Osho comes to people!

How Osho comes to people!
This is written by Sw. Sarlo, the Ring master of the Sannyas ring , in the Web-ring.
“He came to me via one of his books,
او توسط يكي از كتاب هايش به سراغم آمد
that found me in a cabin in the woods in Canada,
و مرا در کلبه ای در یکی از بیشه های کانادا یافت.
brought by some German visitors of another man whose cabin was 1/2 kilometer away.
کتاب توسط میهمانان آلمانی همسایه ام، در نیم کیلومتری آورده شده بود.
I looked at it, knew i wanted to read it,
به کتاب نگاه کردم، می دانستم که می خواهم آن را بخوانم،
couldn't put it down, even with its "contradictions,"
نتوانستم آن را زمین بگذارم، حتی با "تضادهایش"،
and i was hooked!
و به قلاب افتاده بودم!

AUM ,Crystal Bowls & Tibetan Singing Bowls

Crystal Bowls & Tibetan Singing Bowls have an extraordinary healing effect
on the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual aspects of a person,
bringing all round healing on a deep level.
The unique vibrational frequencies of each bowl brings
a specific healing energy to each individual.

Healing with sacred bowls focuses on treating the main 8 chakras of the body,
to bring clarity, healing and balance to these energy centres.
Chakras are vortices of energy, which are the energy centres of our being.
They rotate continuously, distributing energy evenly around the body,
keeping one perfectly balanced & energised.
When chakras are out of sync, or out of balance,
blockages occur which prevents a free flow of the body's energy,
resulting in illness.

The correlating note for each chakra is shown below. If you are depleted of energy of have blockages in any of these areas,
a corresponding bowl will be used for maximum healing benefits.
However, if a bowl is used with a note that you most resonate with,
all chakras will benefit, bringing all round healing. T

The notes relating to each of the eight main chakras are:
Base (Root) Chakra C
The Sacral (Spleen) Chakra D
The Solar Plexus Chakra E
The Heart Chakra F
The Thymus Chakra F#
The Throat Chakra G
The Third Eye Chakra A
The Crown Chakra B

Healing with Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals have been used in healing for thousands of years.
Each crystal has its own vibrational frequency which can work on our own
vibrations to tone and balance the chakras.
Chakras are wheels of energy situated at various points of the `body'.
Not all chakras are situated on the physical body,
many are found in the etheric layers of the aura.
It is said that there are 150 chakras in all.
In the tables below I have listed 11 of most important chakras,
which include the 7 most commonly known Kundalini Chakras
and a further 4 which are found on the Hara line.
Each chakra has an associated crystal or gemstone,
depending on the colour and vibration.
The Chakras and their Associated Gemstones
Garnet, Haematite, Pipestone, Ruby, Red Tiger Eye
Amber, Baryte, Amber Calcite, Orange Sunstone
Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Red Coral, Red Jasper, Fire Opal
Solar Plexus
Citrine, Pyrite, Tiger Eye
Green Calcite, Emerald, Malachite, Peridot, Green Tourmaline, Unakite
Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Peach Moonstone, Green Flourite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Jade
Amazonite, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Chrysocolla
Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, Aqua Aura, Blue Opal, Blue Topaz
3rd Eye
Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Azurite, Moonstone, Snow Quartz, Ivory/Bone
Amethyst, Elestial, Purple Flourite, White Opal, Pearl, Clear Quartz
Transpersonal Point
Herkimer Diamond, Rutilated Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Clear Quartz
The following table covers a further four chakras and their related gemstones
Below the Feet
Black Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian
Smokey Quartz
Labradorite, Grey Moonstone
Access to the Galaxy
The following tables show which stones can help with various aspects of healing and growth.

- Spiritual Stones -
- Creativity -
Solar Plexus
Peach Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Jade
Aquamarine, Turquoise
Angelite, Aqua Aura
Blue Lace Agate
3rd Eye
Sodalite, Snow Quartz
Amethyst, Elestial, Purple Flourite, White Opal, Clear Quartz
Transpersonal Point
Herkimer Diamond, Rutilated Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Clear Quartz

- Past Life Trauma / Karmic Release -
Orange (Amber) Calcite, Orange Sunstone, Amber (after release)
Orange Calcite
Solar Plexus
Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline
Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Watermelon Tourmaline
Aquamarine, Turquoise
Lapis Lazuli, Aqua Aura
3rd Eye
Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
Clear Quartz, Pearl
Transpersonal Point
Herkimer Diamond, Rutilated Quartz

- Emotional Healing -
- Calming / Calms Anger -
Garnet (brings out anger), Haematite
Clear Quartz
Red Jasper
Solar Plexus
Green Calcite, Emerald, Malachite, Peridot, Green Tourmaline
Malachite, Unakite
Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Green Flourite, Chrysoprase, Jade
Rose Quartz
Amazonite, Turquoise
Angelite, Blue Opal, Blue Topaz
Blue Opal, Blue Topaz
3rd Eye
Moonstone, Snow Quartz
Snow Quartz
Amethyst, Elestial, Pearl
Transpersonal Point
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz

- Relationships -
- Concentration -
- Courage/Strength -
Amber, Orange Sunstone
Fire Opal, Coral
Red Jasper
Solar Plexus
Blue Lace Agate
3rd Eye
Transpersonal Point
Merlynne is available to give Crystal Healing, Shamanic Healing,
and Reiki (treatments and attunements)
in Marlborough, West Wiltshire, UK
Treatments £25 per session or by donation


AUM is an ancient and primal sound whose origins in literature
can be traced back to 600 BCE to Vedanta, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.
Over countless millennia AUM has been used as a preparation for meditation,
as a mantra, a way of detaching from restless thinking and a vehicle for transcending the body, mind and intellect.

Basic Technique

Sit upright on the floor with legs crossed or sit upright in a chair
with feet flat on the floor and thighs parallel to the floor.
Keep the spine and neck aligned with the head held up and facing forward.
Avoid using a backrest if possible. Rest the hands, f
acing up or down, in the lap or on the thighs.

Instruction style 1
Relax the mouth keeping the lips closed and the teeth slightly apart. Inhale through the nose filling the lungs gently from bottom to top. Relax the muscles of the jaw so that the jaw and the lips open effortlessly. Keeping the throat relaxed, exhale slowly to produce a gentle 'Ahhh' while closing the jaw and lips. When the lips are closed leave the teeth slightly apart. Keep the tongue relaxed from start to end. Pause and abide in your silence.
In the beginning stages always check for needless tension and relax. Repeat from the start.

Instruction style 2

Gently take a deep breath. Let the mouth open naturally. Relax the throat and say 'Ahhh' while allowing the mouth to close slowly. Allow the sound to change naturally as the mouth closes. The sound will change naturally from 'A' to 'U' to 'M'.
When the lips touch keep the teeth gently apart. The tongue is not needed for this so keep the tongue relaxed. Pause, abide in your silence, and relax more deeply.
Repeat from the start.

Vocalising with the mouth open produces the primal 'A'; vocalising with the mouth slightly open produces the primal 'U'; vocalising with the mouth closed produces the primal 'M'.
Being a primal (fundamental, original) sound the vocalisation of AUM
does not require sophisticated modern enunciation.


Relax all muscles not in use so that all movement of the lips and jaw is natural and simple. Modern elocution is not needed to produce a primal sound.
Needless tension is produced by forcing the jaw wide open
to produce 'A', rounding the lips to produce 'U', pressing the lips together to produce 'M', moving the tongue, constricting the throat, exhaling too hard or vocalising too loudly.
Relaxation and simplicity are best unless otherwise instructed by a trusted teacher.

The sacred sound AMEN can be achieved by vocalising AUM followed by a slight opening of the lips and resting the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
The sacred sound HUM can be achieved by vocalising AUM with an audible,
unpitched exhalation at the start. In HA the 'M' remains unsouded.
MU starts with the mouth closed and progresses to a slightly open mouth,
virtually the reverse of AUM. These and other sacred sounds are not
as different as they at first seem.
They are different aspects of the same continuum.


AUM symbolises the sound of creation, the nature of the universe,
the Word of God.
In the ancient Mandukya Upanishad, 'A' symbolises the waking state,
'U' symbolises the dream state,
'M' sybolises the deep sleep or dreamless state.
The pause after AUM symbolises the ultimate and timeless Truth, the eternal quest of philosophers and mystics.

Jarek Czechowicz, April 2003
Salutations to OM (AUM)

OM OM OMOmkaram Bindu SamyaktamNityam Dhyaayanti YoginahaKaamadam Mokshadam ChaivaOmkaaraaya Namo NamahaOm united with the source,On which the yogis ever dwell,Grants desires and liberation,Salutations to the Omkaramfrom the Intergal Yoga Kirtan of Swami Satchidananda ___________________________________________________
Salient Thoughts
All things pertaining to spiritual progress in life depend upon peace.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Absence of turmoil is not real peace. Real peace is when you rise above the turmoil,
and stay peaceful in the midst of it.
Swami Satchidananda.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
Dalai Lama

I have learned to allow the present moment to be and to accept
the impermanent nature of all things and conditions.
Thus I have found peace.
Eckhart Tolle

First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
Thomas a' Kempis

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Jesus of Nazareth, John 14:27

Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace.
Lao Tzu

‘issues’ are deeply rooted in our ‘tissues’ terms + conditions

‘issues’ are deeply rooted in our ‘tissues’

Deep Issue-Deep Tissue work to activate our energies.

Bodywork, emotional counseling and healing

Terms and conditions

Dear Atma

For the process to be effective:
I need to use my totality in the present moment - time = energy = life. Therefore, for the agreement to be ‘fair’, you also need:

1. To have a ‘deep issue’, and/or a ‘deep tissue’, which you want to bring to the ‘surface’, and resolve.

2. To commit yourself, inwardly as well as outwardly, and participate actively in the process of emotional counseling and practise the methods suggested.

3. To finish the process, if you want to get the results. Withdrawing from completion of the process is done at your own responsibility!

The number of sessions and the fee are mutually agreed between us.

Name (legal AND nick/sannyas name):

Address (email/home) (one is mandatory):

Telephone / contact # (in case of emergency):

Date of birth: day / month / year

A brief description of your ‘issue/tissue’:

Time/days you are available for the sessions:

I hereby accept the above terms and conditions and will cooperate with myself and with Mohsen to complete the process and reach the desired objectives.



Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Music is a universal language.
It influences all levels of human existence. It is a medium for communication,
which can be both a pleasant and healing experience.
Modern science and medicine are now rediscovering the healing powers of music.
And music therapy -- the specialized use of music in treating persons with special needs in mental and physical health, rehabilitation and special education -- is gaining ground.
In the West it is now an accepted form of treatment even within orthodox medical practice.
Music is an age-old part of Ayurveda, the holistic science which promotes a happy and healthy lifestyle. From time immemorial, music has been a part of Indian culture.
In the Vedas too, music has an important place. The 'Samveda' is full of music.
The doshas like Vata, Pitta and Kapha can be controlled effectively by Music Therapy.
Great composers of Indian classical music have attempted music therapy down the years. Legend has it that classical music maestro
Thyagaraja brought a dead person back to life with his composition.

It is believed that music stimulates the pituitary gland,
whose secretions affect the nervous system and the flow of blood.
It is believed that for healing with music, it is necessary to vibrate the cells of the body, for it is through these vibrations that the diseased person's consciousness can be changed effectively to promote health. The right kind of music helps one relax and refresh.
Even during the course of working, light music improves efficiency. Listening to music helps control negative aspects of our personalities like worry, bias and anger. In addition, it can help cure headache, abdominal pain and tension. Music therapy is one of the most effective ways of controlling emotions, blood pressure and restoring the functioning of the liver.
The Raga Research Centre in Chennai,India. is currently making a comprehensive study of Indian ragas and evaluating their therapeutic potential with the help of musicians, doctors and psychiatrists. It is believed that classical Indian ragas can benefit a whole host of conditions ranging from insomnia, high and low blood pressure to schizophrenia and epilepsy.

It is believed that there are other ragas that can help fight ageing and pain, too.
Music is capable of improving happiness, peace, health and concentration. It is however important to know the method and duration for which Music Therapy is to be administered. This knowledge can be obtained through regular experiments and experience.
The first step towards this is the correct diagnosis of the disease and then the selection of the precise raga that will be helpful. Procedure,
discipline and a systematic method will help achieve this goal.

To know more about verious 'ragas' in indian music and how they can help in treating veriou eilments CLICK HERE

One of the unique characteristics of Indian music is the assignment of definite times of the day and night for performing Raga melodies.To know more about this CLICK HERE.

Music can play an effective role in helping us lead better, fruitful lives. Listening to specific kinds of music at specific times of the day has been shown to be helpful in maintaining good health. Indian music, with its many Ragas, is known to be particularly therapeutic value.
The curative power of music emanates from the resonance of certain ragas
on hormonal and glandular functions which produce secretions
that keep the body balanced and infection free.

Disease(s) it helps cure
Ahir Bhairav
IndigestionRheumatic ArthritisHypertension
to build confidence
Basant Bahar
Gall Stones (Cholecystitis)
Rheumatic ArthritisSinusitisencourages detachment
Bhim palas
Anxity, Hypertension
Brindabani Sarang
Darbari Kanada
Indigestion Anorexia Hyperacidity Gall Stones(Cholecystitis)
Gujari Todi
Rheumatic Arthritis Constipation Headache Piles or Hemorrhoids
Rheumatic Arthritis Backache Hypertension
Intestinal Gas Diarrhoea Constipation
Rheumatic Arthritis Diarrhoea Headache
Sleep disorders
Kausi Kanada
Hypertension Common Cold
Headache Common Cold CoughAsthma
Sleep disorders
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Intestinal Gas
Indigestion Hyperacidity
Nat Bhairav
Indigestion Rheumatic Arthritis Colitis
Colitis Anaemia Hypertension
Puriya Dhanashri
Colitis Piles or Hemorrhoids
Anorexia Common ColdCoughAsthma
Shudh Sarang
Anorexia Gall Stones (Cholecystitis)
Shyam Kalyan
Cough Asthma
Rheumatic Arthritis


One of the unique characteristics of Indian music is the assignment of definite times of the day and night for performing Raga melodies. It is believed that only in this period the Raga appears to be at the height of its melodic beauty and majestic splendor.
There are some Ragas which are very attractive in the early hours of the mornings; others which appeal in the evenings, yet others which spread their fragrance only near the midnight hour.
This connection of time of the day or night, with the Raga or Raginis is based on daily cycle of changes that occur in our own body and mind which are constantly undergoing subtle changes in that different moments of the day arouse and stimulate different moods and emotions.
Each Raga or Ragini is associated with a definite mood or sentiment that nature arouses in human beings. The ancient musicologists were particularly interested in the effects of musical notes, how it effected and enhanced human behavior.
Music had the power to cure, to make you feel happy, sad, disgusted and so on. Extensive research was carried out to find out these effects. This formed the basis of time theory as we know it today. It is believed that the human body is dominated by the three Doshas - Kaph , Pitta and Vata . These elements work in a cyclic order of rise and fall during the 24 hour period. Also, the reaction of these three elements differ with the seasons.Hence it is said that performing or listening to a raga at the proper allotted time can affect the health of human beings.
Raga and Day Time

The following schedule will summarize the specific time periods.The 24 hour period is divided into 8 beats(Prahar) each three hours long, as follows:
1. 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. first beat of the day. Daybreak; Early Morning; Morning;
2. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 2nd beat of the day. Late Morning; Noon; Early Afternoon;
3. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. 3rd beat of the day. Afternoon; Late Afternoon;
4. 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. 4th beat of the day. Evening Twilight; Dusk (sunset);
5. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. first beat of the night. Evening; Late Evening;
6. 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. 2nd beat of the night. Night; Midnight;
7. 1 a.m. - 4 a.m. 3rd beat of the night. Late Night
8. 4 a.m. - 7 a.m. 4th beat of the night. Early Dawn; Dawn (before sunrise);
Simillarly Everyday two cycles of change pass through our body, each bringing a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha predominance. The approximate times of these cycles are as follows:First cycle:
6 A.M. to 10 A.M. - Kapha
10 A.M. to 2 P.M. - Pitta
2 P.M. to 6 P.M. - Vata
Second cycle:
6 P.M. to 10 P.M. - Kapha
10 P.M. to 2 P.M. - Pitta
2 A.M to 6 P.M. - Vata
Raga and Ritu(Seasons)
There are Ragas associated with the rainy season,Varsha (Raga Megha and Raga Malhar), the autumn season,Basant (Raga Basant) and the spring season (Raga Bahar).
Seasonal Ragas can be sung and played any time of the day and night during the season allotted to them. The obligation of time in case of such melodies is relaxed.
Vasanta Ritu (Spring Season)In this season, increased kapha is liquified by the heat of sun which causes diminished agni (digestive activity) causing diseasesGrishma Ritu (Summer Season)In this season, Sunrays become powerful. Kapha decreases vata increases day by daySharat Ritu (Autumn Season)Sudden exposed to sunlight after cold season aggravates pita.

Raga and Ritu(Seasons) Association :-Raga RituBhairav ShishirHindol VasantDeepak GrishmaMegh VarshaMalkans SharadShree Hemant
Verious Ragas and there Performance Timings:
Performance Time
Any Time
Any Time
Any Time
Any Time
Any Time
Gaud Malhar
Miyan Malhar
Ahir Bhairav

Bairagi Bhairav
Basant Mukhari

Bhoopali Todi
Bilaskhani Todi
Gurjari Todi
Nat Bhairav
Vrindavani Sarang
Shuddh Sarang

Madhyamad Sarang
Gaud Saarang
Yaman Kalyan
Sham Kalyan
Shuddh Kalyan
Maru Bihag
Puriya Dhanashri
Jana Sammohini

Tilak Kamod

Malkauns Pancham
Bhinna Shadja

Chandani Kedar

Gorakh Kalyan

music permeates the cells of all living beings, alters mood swings

It marks every event of our life, from birth, marriage and death to the phases in-between.
Man has long known about the ability of music to calm, cajole and rejuvenate people.

But it is only recently that science has begun to understand, study and document the effects of music in methodology, which leaves little room for doubt.It is now an established fact that music helps all living creatures – from plants to birds and animals and man —to grow and rejuvenate.

Music permeates the cells of all living beings, alters mood swings, cell division, heals the ailing, induces sleep, creates wakefulness, and dances with the mood, the mind and the soul.While the rishis of ancient India and the Vedas first documented the effects of music on the human being and all life, it was left to the western world to fashion the more modern concepts of healing through music. There are now serious music therapy courses in the world’s best universities and remunerative openings abroad for music therapists.

This book dwells heavily on the findings from ancient India and the masters of today who have made music therapy a viable healing alternative. It is the most comprehensive guide on the healing powers of sound & music.About the Author:Rajendar Menen is an award-winning journalist who has written over 2,000 articles in more than 30 journals in five countries.

He has launched and edited magazines, co-authored three books on AIDS and prostitution in South Asia and freelanced for the BBC, UNFPA, Irish Education Society, France 2 and a number of other international media organisations. He has also authored books on Magneto-Therapy and Vaastu & Feng Shui, both published by Pustak Mahal.

Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by music. I use the word ‘fascinated’ with some deliberation and care because I am far from the regular music buff you see strolling into or out of a music shop with a tune on his or her lips. I am tone deaf, can’t sing to stop the shower, don’t see films of any kind especially those ransacked by cheap, lilting music and can live for days on a diet of silence broken probably by the exaggerated noise of a falling twig against the hush of soundlessness. But give me the grand opera, music festivals in any city in the world, jazz in Temple Bar or New Orleans, the deep-throated resonance of Osho and the spiritualists in India, Tibet, Japan or any part of the world, the tinker of the instrumentalists, or even the grand festivity of pop and rock, and you have my life on a platter.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t sing. It doesn’t matter if you can’t hear. But if you can grasp the magic that music brings to all life, you are there. Where it matters. Music makes you happy. Simply put. But it also takes you to a platform far removed from the mundane theatre of our lives. From there we conduct the opera of our choice. From there we laugh, we cry, we reminisce, we choose our emotion and escape to an extraordinary passion handpicked from our dreams. From there we drop all mortal sin and the weariness of ordinary life. From there we stake claims to immortality. From there we harness the sunset.

Our hopes soar, and we begin to believe in life once more... the roses are in bloom and the dew glistens on the green... Yes, music is all this and much, much more. Writing this book has been exciting. I have learnt a lot and met and spoken to scores of people whose lives have changed after music discovered it. The scope of the book is endless and so I had to pick and choose areas for the larger interest of the reader. We have deliberately kept out cults and religious organisations though their music is undoubtedly exhilarating and therapeutic. We simply wanted to give music therapy the neutral stance it deserves.

There are millions and zillions of musical scores available. In every genre. Take your pick. And rejoice in the fact that if you are elevated by the music of your choice from the weariness of earthly existence, even if it is only for a fleeting moment, what could be a better definition of heaven? Enjoy!

—Rajendar Menen

جازات خیانتکاران به ملت و وطن چه باشد؟

مجازات خیانتکاران به ملت و وطن چه باشد؟

شاید در حال حاضر سوالی بی ربط به نظر آید
ولی همین نکته می تواند جهت ما را بعنوان یک ملت تعیین کند و هرچه زودتر، بهتر.
پاسخ به این سوال می تواند گرایشات بسیاری از افراد و گروه های مخالف نظام آخوندی را برای شخص خودشان
و برای ملت شریف ایران تبیین و افشا سازد.

اگر قرار به کشت و کشتار باشه که همین قوم ظالم خوب انجام داده و می دهند.
اگر روش های ما و آنان با هم یکی باشد که ما فرقی با دشمنان خود نداریم. باید تفاوتی باشد.
آن هم تفاوت در عمل و شیوه ی رفتار با دشمنان. اگر بنا به "چشم در برابر چشم" باشد که میشود
همان عادت "چشم و همچشمی" کهنه و همان قصاص زمان قدیم و جدید.
اگر نسل جدید و جوانان عزیز و پرشور و سرشار از خشم و کین
بخواهند از روی احساسات و عواطف "نابینا" عمل کنند و در" تاریکی" جاپای دشمنان خود بگذارند
که این می شود تکرار تاریخ و مایه دلخوشی دشمنان ایران.

بنده طرحی جامع و تخصصی (رسانه های همگانی) دارم برای این معضل که مایلم با علاقمندان در میان بگذاریم.
آیا کسانی هستند که بخواهند راه حلی برای مجازات دشمنان و خائنین به کشور در این 25 ساله بیابد؟
و یا اینکه باید "چشم بسته" وارد آن مرحله بشویم؟!
اگر چنین باشد که شاید بسیار خطا کنیم همانطور که تمامی انقلاب های خونین این خطا را کردند.

خلاصه ی این طرح این است که گاه "شدیدترین مجازات" کشتن خائن نیست.
دست کم برای قدرتمندانی که از نردبام قدرت فرومیغلتند،
مرگ آنی "خفیف ترین مجازات" است و حیف است که این ها چنین "راحت" بمیرند.
برای همین خیلی از دیکتاتورها خودکشی می کنند: آسان تر است از زنده ماندن و توی روی مردم نگاه کردن!
در قصاص دست یک انسان دیگر به قتلی دیگر آلوده می شود و خود این کشتارها (در هر اسمی که باشد)
روح فرد و جامعه را بیشتر دآلوده به خشونت و کینه می کند.
برای آن سیاستمدار مزدور و مزوری که ربع قرن به مردم دروغ های آنچنانی گفته
و از دین خرج دنیای خودش کرده و اموال ملت را به حراج شخصی گذاشته،
هیچ مجازاتی"شدید" تر از یک "غسل تف و لعنت" توسط مردم نیست!
شاید هم از این غسل زنده در نیاید و غرق شود!
آن دیگر قتل عمد محسوب نخواهد شد!

برای استبداد منافع اقتصادی مهم است و نه مسائل عاطفی و احساسی انسان ها

مشکل ما ایرانی ها در این است که فکر می کنیم که فقط یکی باید "رییس" باشد و باقی "مرئوس".
کار گروهی را از همینجا می توان آغاز کرد.
چگونه می توان با داشتن اینهمه افراد با استعداد و این مقدار سرمایه های کلان، کشوری ویران را از نو ساخت؟
کار فرهنگی در جهت مشارکت و همیاری و همبستگی ملی و انسانی تنها راه شروع است
مسائل عاطفی و احساسی زیربنای رفتار انسان است و تا عشق نباشد در میان ملتی هیچ برکت دیگری هم نخواهد آمد.

اگر اولویت به مسائل سیاسی و سایر روبناها بدهیم، همان آش خواهد بود و همان کاسه.
ترکیبی مهرآمیز از تمام نیروهای آزادی خواه و غیرخودخواه!
تنها راه نجات ملت ما است وگرنه، استبداد بعدی در زیر هر نامی خودش را برما تحمیل خواهد کرد
زیرا برای استبداد منافع اقتصادی مهم است و نه مسائل عاطفی و احساسی انسان ها:
"به من چه که دیگران رنج میبرند؟" این است شعار دیکتاتور و مستبد!

آیا نیروهای مخالف رژیم استبداد فعلی خود از استبداد به معنی فردی و خانوادگی خالی هستند؟
اگر مخالفین همگی صادق اند و راست می گویند پس چه چیز مانع تجمع و یکپارچگی و گروهی عمل کردن آنان است؟
غیر از "من" و "ما"؟

.... و "نردبام این جهان" چه "افتادنی ست"!
.... و چه استخوان شکن است این نردبام!

بنوشید بنوشید

بنوشید بنوشید
جام های زهرآگینی را
که خود ساختید.

زهر بر شما گوارا باد
ای خیانتکاران به خود و به یزدان پاک و به ملت ایران

Ghazi ghatele Namahrame Zalem

Ghazi ghatele Namahrame Zalem:
To khod kisti ke dar an maghame ghaza neshaste ee?
5 khat dar morede khodat benevis ta donya bedanad ke kisti va chera chenin zolm mikoni! Ey ghafel, BIDAR SHO.

Ey mozdure Sheytan, Ey sallakhe Ghalam, Sharmat bad.
Ey doroghgu, agar rast miguee, javab bede!
Na ba tigh va golule! Ba GHALAM, ba TYPE!

Ey bi-marefat! Chera chenin zalemane hokm midahi?
Khabar-gozari ra ham mikhahi bebandi? (“HAMEGI KHAFE SHAVID?”)
Mardome nadan enghelab kardand ke to biyaee va shoareshan ra (AZADI) khafe koni?!
To ke be tanhaee kasi nisti, an monafeghane rish sefide tarsu tar az khodat to ra hemayat mikonand.

Ba kodam jorat BEHTARIN hushmandan va shojaane Iran ra be zendan miferesti?
Ey zendanie nafse haghire saeede NAmeymun, BAS KON.
Estefa bedeh va TOBEH KON.

IN maghamha baraye kasi namande va baraye to NIZ.
Be ghadre kafi basti va boridi, bas ast.
Be haman KHOD va KHODAEE ke nemishenasi __ va faghat shenidi ke MEHRBAN VA RAHIM ast,__ ghassamat midaham ke ta atashe khashme Khoda (va mardom) ra bishtar sholevar nakardi, dast bekesh, tobeh kon.

DASTUR bedeh ke TAMAME hokmhayat ra BATEL konand.
Pule Bazare DONYA va Bazariane be-ensafe DONYAEE, baraye to barekat nakhad dasht.Baraye khodeshan ham nadarad, vali aksareshan nemidanand!
EY SHAGHI, Jahl va gheflat kafist!

Chon inkare nisti (ensaf nadari, vagarne harkasi mitavanad hoghugh nekhanad va agar partie ghavi dasht “ghazie matbuat” shaved) in masnade BOZORGAN ra raha kon va kari sherafatmandane baraye khodat peyda kon!

Ghasbe masnade bozorgane MONSEF, khodash JORMI ELAHI ast, Ey MOJREM!
Hamiyane rastine khodat ra,( bejoz Sheytane Rajim!) moarefi kon, agar ensaf dari!
(Agar nakoni ham, hame midanand ke az kodam abeshkhore kasif ab-o-dane mikhorid shoma mahfelian)

EY Nafse sarkesh va Ey Taghi va ghatele azadie bayan dar Irane gharne 21!
To ra che be kare monsefin va momenin(ghaza)? ba in khami va talkhi, jaye pokhtegane shirin ra ghasb kardeh ee?

Hatman ke an VIRANE, be chon to bimare ravanparishi niyaz darad.
Niyazi ham be to niyaz darad. Ta kasi natavanad harfe hagh bezanad.
“be che jormi anha ra koshtid __ makhfiyane va najavanmardane”????
Shoma ba che gostakhi va ghaflat chenin zolm mikonid be mardom??
Aya Ganji khodash 1 mardom nist?
Aya harfe hagh nemizanad?

Mardane haghgu ra mikoshid ya be band mikeshid?
Vay bar shoma va kanune zolmetan, vay bar an mahfele sheytani!!
Virane ra virantar mikhahid?

Ey namardha! Vatan ra be Sheytan miforoshid?
Dar Mashhad 70 faheshekhane ra tatil mikonand va to ham dafatere ruzname ha ra?!! Va hala baraye IRNA dandan TIZ kardeh ee??

Vay bar shoma ke che zalemid!! Vay bar aghebate shoma setamgaran!!.
To hatta be khodat ham rahm nakarde ee, ba in hokmhaee ke sader karde ee!!
Inhame zendanie shoja va azad andishe, dar az zendanhaye sholugh, baraye 700 jahanname shoma kafi ast!!

Zabanhaye mardom ra be band mikeshi?
Ruzname tateel mikoni? “KHAFE SHAVID” be ahle adab miguee?, Ey BIADAB.
To az koja SABZ shodi ke hala inhame jegargushehaye mardom ra ZAJRE feraghe azizan midahi? Dar sale 1357 che mikardi? Dar 1359 koja budi?

Mahi chand migiri? Zire-mizi chand$$$$$$$$$ mirese?
Ba in sorat be samte jahannam chera midavi?
Aram begir. Nafse palid ra nahib zan.
Mardane beist va az mardom mazerat bekhah.

Zendaniyane andishe va ghalam ra az zendanha birun ferest va khodat moddati dar khalvat neshin va kaffare bede va riyazat bekash ta pak shavi va pak be suye an PAK beravi. Magar nemikhahi ba OO molaghat koni?
Shyad ham fekr mikoni ke ajal soraghe to nemiayad?!!
Ya ke mikhahi ba inhame AH va Nefrin dar hozor va poshte sarat, beravi?!
Aya nemibini ke che ZOLMI avval be khodat karde ee?

Baraye chand mosht dollar va 1 MASNAD + 1khane va sayere shahavate nafsani??
To mamure kodam jahannam-sazmani ke chenin sazmanhaye mardomi ra migiri va mibandi??
HEZBE sheytan ra raha kon, LOTFAN. Az kharash biya paeen.
Az mokafate amal ghafel nasho.

To ke malum ast az khode Sheytane Rajim (NAFSE AMMARE= EGO) dastor migiri ta hagh ra batel neshan dahi ma bigonahan ra be mahbas beferesti?

Aya ba kodam machin be khane miravi? Ba zedde golule?!
Agar ghaziye monsefi budi ke manande khode Mola ALI (Salam bar ALI ….ke Heyfe an ESM!) bi tars va larz be miyane mardom mirafti!!

Aya dar malae AAM (haman “mardom” ke dar poshte vaje ash penhan shode ee ) zaher mishavi?

Aya shabhaeye jome, be cinema ya resturan miravi?
Ta sare kuche mitavani beravi?

Nashenidi ke Rasul(S) farmud ke khaen tarsust = “Alkhaeno- Khaef.”
Natars, az rahmate Elahi naomid nasho va jeloye in KHOSRANE AZIM (edameye zolm be khodat va mardome bigonah) ra zude zud begir.
Khiyanat be armane azadikhahie mardom Iran KAFI AST.
Tobe kon lotfan.

To az koja inhame maghaam yafti ke betavani be namayandegane RASTINE mardom, chon Ganjiha ETEHAM bezani?

Baraye dashtane in masanad, che nefaghha dashte ee va che khiyanati be an ruhe elahi ke dar to ham hast (vali-sakht-khofte!!) kardeh ee?
Shayad in name to ra bidar konad!
Shayad ham be mozduran dastur befarmaee ke mara ham manande “digaran” shahid farmayand!(shahedi digar bar jenayate shoma ghome zalemin)
efarma, man amadeh hastam. Beferest ta bekoshand badane mara.
Vali ruhe man ke dast az sarat (ya delat) bar nakhahd dasht!!
Vali bedan ke man ghab az inke to mara bekoshi, koshte-mordeye ESHGH hastam!!
In name ra ham chon dustat daram barayat minevisam.

Ma hame (HAME) mimirim ( che ghadri zudtar, ya dirtar!), anche az ma mimanad, Ehsani dar ghalbhast va nami dar archive akhbare bbc!! (KI KIO KOSHT?)
Nagozar namat be onvane “GHATELE GHALAM” ya “ghatele andishmandane azadeh andish ya “degar-andishan” sabt shaved. ( KE SHODE AST!!)

Mesle inke in mamuriyate Sheytani (Nafse Ammare) az in chiz ha ghavi tar ast ke ta behal tobeh nakarde ee. Omidvaram forsat ra az dast nadahi va ghosle tobeh ra faramush nakoni!
Mikhahi mara ham bekosh: “ta baz ke oo ra bekoshad anke to ra kosht”

Va agar nakoshi behtar ast zira Jormat saboktar khahad bud!
Bishtar be khodat zolm nakon, KAFI ast. Dast bekesh.
Esteghfar baraye chenin mavaredi ast.

A visionary/prospective news release!!

This is a ‘visionary/prospective’ news release,
based on an actual news release
it may come true, {if WE want it!}

Be happy
Mother Earth –Sept. 21, 2004

"Mr. and Mrs.…. Give $99999 to Arya Interactive Instructional Media (AIIM)
….. and ….. , long-time community humanitarians, recently gave $99999 to help develop a state-of-the-art, comprehensive Instructional Media Center in …..

With their generosity and leadership, the AIIM Center will be at the cutting edge of artistic and professional research in human spiritual/cognitive development and learning, in the world.
“I always consider myself the gate or pathway to helping meet the REAL needs of our people in Iran and other human beings,” said ….., who is also the president of ……….. Corp.

“This is our way of giving back to the existence where we’ve been very fortunate to be born in this life, as human beings able to help other fellow beings.”
Ignorance or lack of information about human psyche and its divine potentialities is responsible for all life-threatening calamities in our time.
Oppression, blind hateful acts of terrorism, wars and all sorts of discriminations are the main causes of human suffering, due to this basic cause of ‘ignorance’.

Almost ALL social and environmental disasters in the world are direct result of ‘selfishness’ and ‘ego-trips’, where a better insight and a proper education in human natural capabilities can control and prevent such trend and help to prepare humanity for a better future.
Osho’s visions, recorded through out His life time (19331-1991) are a very unique source of information, to bring such needed light into this darkness of human collective consciousness.
Directed by Mohsen, a nationally recognized translator of Osho’s works in Iran, co-author of Drunkenly Along the Sufi Path of Love,(a selection of Molana Rumi’s ghazals and Masnavi couplets, with meditative mandala arts by Ma Prem Shashi, in English language), the center will provide the full range of educational/instructional services needed by every human being, in a multi-langual, human-friendly, technological environment.

…. said. “My wife and I feel that part of our job is to open the doors for what he may be able to finalize in his research and to support his efforts to improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people.”

The …… gift will help fund innovative research and the development of media tools for producing audio-visual instructional material for millions of Iranian and non-Iranian youth, around the world. The gift also will support recruitment efforts for many technicians, consultants and professionals in these vast fields of communication and education.

Educational and outreach components of the program will include on/off-line training of youth in meditation techniques, print and electronic manuals for self-studies, according to the age-group of audience, as well as dissemination of information about The New Man Vision of Osho to other educational professionals, individuals, and families.

Project A-power = A for Awareness or Atom? = money and love!

2004/08/11, 10:28 AM

“… Falak ra Saghf Beshafim O Tarhi Nou Darandazim…..”
‘Project A”! (Tarhe Agah-sazi)!

Dear ..............
Wish you health and happiness.
..... such ‘rare’ Iranians still do exist! __a very rare combination of money and love!

.... I had cut all my hopes from Iranians, due to repeated approaches to those who are wealthy and SEEMS to have ‘love’ for their country and their fellow human beings, but since no reply ever came, I had to assume that there must be something wrong with the ‘quality’ or ‘purity’ of their ‘love’. You know better the ‘distance’ between ‘talk’ and ‘action’!
So now, with the above ‘hint’ from Existence __Allah__ (because that link was just a pure ‘synchronicity’ and I did not ask for it!), I disclose to you my personal ‘dream’ for our country and for other human beings, wishing that YOU maybe the ‘right channel’ to make this ‘dream’ come true.
It CAN, if we want so.

Our people, due to lack of "A-power", have been deeply conditioned/exploited by the "kings and priests" (Shah & Khomeini both misused that lack of "A", and ruled over the land for years!)

Please help our people to get rid of these conditionings!
They say, "khomeini came to power with audio-tapes and his nasty regime will go with A-power, powered by this wonderful internet"!
This has some TRUTH in it and i have the "formula" ready to use!
It only needs some "L-energy" (L=love) {in form of "hard-cash"} to activate it. ...........

Prize for the most intelligent answer:

Prize for the most intelligent answer:
Who is responsible
for this mess of global hatred?

write 9 keywords


Yes, Life itself is The Play of Our Lord Shiva,
Creating a New Time-Space-Energy Field.
The New Time,
The New Way,
The New Space: Here, Now.
a Play of Interpersonal Communication.
as a dance, we offer it to His Lotus Feet.
Interpersonal Communication

Write 9 keywords and send to me to start the game
mine are:
love peace health wealth karma balance freedom fire eternity

Dear wonderful committee members

Thursday 16 October, 2003

The Norwegian Nobel Committee Drammensveien 19 0255 Oslo Norway

Dear wonderful committee members: I wish you all the best in your lives.

On behalf of myself, AND more than 85% of Persianpeople (the remaining 15% have NOT actually inheritedany Persian culture or even any human values: theyonly worship violence and hatred, instead of peace andlove), I would like to express our deep gratitude andappreciation for your recent 'wise' choice.

Yes, as you are well informed, our nation has beensuffering greatly over the past 25 years, due to itshistorical "mistake" of trusting untrustworthy hypocrites.

So, after all these years of suppression under a tyrannical regime, your intelligent choice had a great 'soothing effect' on the collective consciousness ofour people and I can feel this effect in myself, andin many people, whom I know personally!

Thank you again. I am sure that this action will have its own positive re-actions in the precise Law of Karma, and will bring its own loving and peacefuleffects for the peace-loving people of this planet.

Best wishes and regards to all of you:


تو نيز روح آزادي!

تو نيز روح آزادي!

آري، من روح آزادم:

خوش وقت منم!
زيرا كه آزادم!
از گذشته هايم:
از شرايطم، از كهنه شرطي شدگي هايم
از قيدهايم و از زنجيرها بر بال هايم!
سبك، رها، آزاد!

چرا تو نه؟!
آيا كه مي پنداري كه تو جسمي؟
يا كه آن جان و آن جانان،
همان انديشه اي؟
انديشه اي الهي:
كه از خودش بر من و تو دميد!
"مابقي: استخوان و ريشه..."؟

حال كه تو نيز روحي و فقط انرژي:
__ وزن تو ضربدر مجذور شعاع نور!
چرا كه آزاد نه؟
چرا رها نه؟
چرا سنگين؟
چرا چنين غمگين؟
چرا كه تو "خدا" نباشي؟
چرا خود را "خدا" نداني؟
چرا جسم و جانت يكي نشود؟
چرا از اين محدوديت ها رها نشوي؟
چرا آزاد نباشي؟
و بهاي آزادي:
همان "من پاييني" توست!
همان كه "وادارنده به پليدي است، اگر خدايم رحمتي نكند!"
همان كه مي پنداري هستي، و آن هم نيستي!
همان كه ما را سنگين به "من" كرده!
همان كه ما را "بنده" ساخته!
اسير هوا، اسير هوس!

كم بهايي نيست اين!
و بهتر از اين معامله،
بپرداز و وارد شو
نيست شو و هستي ياب!
هست شو و مست شو:
مست شو و "جمع" شو:
كه "اندك اندك، جمع مستان مي رسند!"
نوش باد و نوش جان،
زآن باران رحمت، اي عزيز!

روح آزاد
اينك اينجاي پونه: هند
جمعه 23 خرداد 1382 = 13 جون 2003

همصحبتي يک روشن راي

همصحبتي يک روشن راي
فقط وقتي ممکن است که انسان از همه چيز خودش بگذرد

نه اينکه هم خدا را بخواهد و هم خر را و هم خرما را و هم خود را!!

روشن راي بودن در يک جامعه ي بسته و تاريک خودش عذابي اليم است
همنشين بودن با چنين روشن رايي خيلي جرات و ازخودگذشتگي مي خواهد و خدمت بدون چشمداشت
خدمت درويشان کردن خودش نعمتي بزرگ است ولي کجاست درويش و کجاست آن خادم درويش؟

اينجا هستيم و هستند عزيزان شجاع و ازخودگذشته
و اين را هم به سبب همان رنج هايي که کشيده اند براي آزادي به دست آورده اند/ شکر.
گاهي نترسيدن از حرف مردم …

و انجام قصد و ارده براي آزادي چنان قدرتي مي خواهد که کار هر کسي نيست
اعتماد به جهان هستي و مرشد لازم است و شکر خدا که تا اين زمان
با وجود تمام سختي هاي راه تا اينجا رقصان و چرخان آمده ايم
و تا ببينيم که رودخانه از اينجا ما را به کجا مي برد

How can I express this human tragedy?

Double Injustice of
The Friend of The Retarded Ones, in IRI.

How can I express this human tragedy?
I have a piece of news, in Farsi, saying in 15 lines, what cannot be contained in thousands of pages! What goes on in that mad house?!

The news says that a lawyer, Mr. Abdolfateh Soltani, who accepted the case to defend Mr. Ali Afshari __ a politically active student __ is still kept in jail, in a ward for “dangerous criminals”, not allowed to be visited by other lawyer(s) for weeks, in total isolation and under all kinds of tortures. The “judge”(one of the “gang of criminals” ruling the land) claims that the visit by his lawyer is “illegal”!

How amazing?! Just, for the sake of record, the most corrupted /crooked, most mentally and emotionally disturbed people, the top socio-paths are working for the regime and the judiciary system gets a BIG portion of these retarded pigmies, from the very HEAD to the LITTLE fingers!

Also, another lawyer, Mr. Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, who defended the innocent people of NEHZAT AZADI (Freedom Movement, a prestigious national-religious kind of a political party!) is also imprisoned in a “wrong” ward, along with such inmates as murderers, drug-dealers and other dangerous criminals! Far out!

When the “leader” of the land is the friend (Vali) for the most retarded people (SAFIH), it cannot be a better situation than this.

This piece of news (factual information) is enough for all the responsible people of the world, to expose and denounce the violations of Human rights in Iran and take all actions necessary to end the unjust and unjustifiable, regime of IRI.

Love and peace:

Share Your Practical Dreams With Us

Share Your Practical Dreams With Us
Osho left His, for us.

I offer you mine:
My dream is to live virtually & spiritually in an internet community called:
Where LOVE is the theme & the tune!

Not sex, but love in higher forms, as compassion & mercy.
Where the tune is soft & gentle.

Where the theme is pleasing to the heart & the mind.
We can even vote for the MOST loving
women/men to run the Government.
Any body volunteering?!

... if “love” is the subject!!

almost a year after the 11th sept,
for my Ex-beloved i wrote, while asking for her 'English-editing'(included):

What do I want to do with YOU?

1: make you EXPAND into the infinity.
2: make all your hidden potentials ACTIVE.
3: bring all your individual/collective unconsciousness into consciousness.
4: bring all the happiness possible for you.
…. You may wonder why?!!~

because of the same old feeling of love.

When love is there, the Beloved is the secondary thing,
the 1st thing is the “love in YOUR heart”.
That is where love happens, in the “heart” __ as a dimension of being.

So when you love someone, you want to “give” your love.
And as you know, “giving” is a YANG, male act.
The YIN of it, is The Other Pole, the “receiving” act.
And you may feel now that to receive love is even “harder for ego”!!
It is more difficult to receive love & than to “give” it.
And this is what Osho says!!

When I repeat his name, it means that I say what I got from His words & they are mine now. Except the quotations of course!!

I can understand your difficulty to absorb this much love I “give” you!!
I suggest that you read your NewYear Present & then we can talk about “love”!!
Until then, let us just practice it!!
... it Can be many other things, as long as we “practice”!!
For me, it can be in form of writing for you & for you it can be a telephone call!!
Practicing love is DIFFERENT from “talking ABOUT” love!!

I love to see some “WALK” show!!
A film by those who WALK on the Path of Love.

I told you before that if we JUST live our own natures (male/female=yin/yang=giving/receiving),
we will not have any problem as “friends”,
or any other name you give to this relationship!!

I love “friendship” __ in it’s True meaning in our culture = DOOSTI ___ to be the basis of our relation & that is where the difficulty comes!! “……..OFTAD MOSHKELHA!!”
Do you feel that I should keep my mouth shut = fingers LOCKED, or send it anyway as I feel.
If you were not here, I would send it anyway, but I want your advice on it.
Please read & say yes/no + some “reason”!!
One reason is that we are not living in a healthy Emotional World.
The real positive & NATURAL state of our being , which is “love” itself __
as a gathering force of NATURE within, in-built ___ has turn into the OPPOSITE
= hate, which 9/11/02 showed a clear sign of it!!
And the hate is going on, until we love each other.

But for the love to manifest, the mind must be ready to submit,
which is the most difficult “job” for “the MASTER” = mind!!
And if mind=ego, then o.b.l. is as egotistic &
as hateful as g.w.b. or sak or as 100-daam!!

They are the people who “hurt” others, talking nice things to their followers/subordinates!!
So “true” friends are those who love themselves &
want others to be able to love each other, as well.

So, they become a “disturbance” in the “hate-system”!
I feel this is just the beginning of a new phase in our lives,
where we can truly practice what we say!!
And the whole difficulty is this “practicing”__
which is indeed a very enjoyable task,
if “love” is the subject!!
2002/12/09 06:21:28 PM

Persian = Farsi = the sexiest language!

The Sexiest language!

A non-serious look, @ a serious issue!!

Salam +Rokhsat (asking permission) from all my elders, friends & masters.
I love my mother tongue, so naturally, do not like to see it polluted with various “viruses”__ misusing the words, meaninglessly misused words = ABUSE! = FOHSH!
Our ABUSES say a lot about us, how we feel , how we think & how we are!!
……. got the idea from a “joke” __ which I forgot now!!
{ somebody who wanted to learn Farsi, BY BOOK, after few days, gave the book back to his Irani friend & said in objection, “ what kind of a language is this?! It is full of KARDAN + DADAN!!”}

“Doing” +“Giving” are the two poor misused verbs!!
In Farsi(Persian) everyday language, both verbs are used in sexual intercourse, first restrict for men & the second, restrict for women!!!
The first is ACTIVE, while the 2nd is PASSIVE!!

Yes, almost ALL our verbs are either used with Kardan, or with Dadan!
(what is the secret behind it, I do not know & appreciate if someone can help!)
From a simple SALAM (salam kard/dad), to more complex verbs like: Parking the car (Park kard), or telling the news (khabar dad)…….
The interesting point is that the REAL, deeper meanings of these two verbs are also LOST in the fog of a chauvinistic culture!
We attribute Kardan to Male (higher sex) & Dadan, to Female (lower sex)
See how sickening it will become?!
So, “Doing” & “Giving” are emptied from their original meaning & filled with garbage!
Then, “Non-Doing” which is a priority for a peaceful life, becomes secondary to “Doing”.
And “Giving” , which is The Law of Love, becomes secondary & passive& many a times, a SHAME, or a sign of weakness!!
No wonder why we suffer so much from our own collective unconsciousness & individual consciousness (in both, we are so low & dark)??!!!
Then in our everyday street language (which is widely used @ home as well, in most uncultured families !), we (Men) insult various ladies __ as being our “enemies’ sisters & mothers”!!)
The interesting point is that almost Everybody, sexually abuses everybody else!!
The rulers abuse the ruled & the ruled abuse the rulers!!
(or ANY other combination of these two basic categories!!)
Remembered many years back in Iran, was the witness of some inter-family-fights (verbally violent!!) in a small village & the young woman of this family was using such abuses in her anger & shouting, things only a man can say, because of the nature of the act! But she was still using them, because she was so aggressive & fluent in that language, which ONLY man can speak, not even every man!!
And the suffering continues ……. in such societies, woman suffer much more than man, because her nature is being denied & misunderstood, even by herself ( a False Self-Image!) & her freedom is taken away by the male dominated society!
Men are also suffering the consequences of their own acts, in their OWN ways!!
Sexually abusing WORDS, especially while shouting in anger, could be a good catharsis for a sexually repressed MSs(male chauvinists)!!(NOT to mention the third attribute!!)
But what about the VIRUSES they carry along?!! they are very destructive for a healthy life!!
And the sad point is that even the small girls/boys in the families, hear this non-sense, from childhood {@street, or @home , or……} and somehow it gets imprinted into their minds that kardan means “superiority”, or power, and dadan means “inferiority” or weakness.
If this is so in the society & @the surface, it is NOT so in individuals, & NOT in REAL NATURE!!
In Reality. in Nature, it is woman who FIRST chooses her mate (in case she is free, of course!)
She may not go after it immediately, as men do, but prefers to wait & be offered!(This is her way!)
In Reality, it is man, who is weaker than woman (except in muscles-force, which is nothing compared to mind-force, or emotional force of a woman!!)
That is why most weak men are only a puppet in the mercy of their strong women (@ the unconscious level)
Men have MUCH LESS endurance in life, than women do.
So, it is only a “defense mechanism” for men to cover their weakness, with superficial & artificial MAKE-UPS, or MASKS (ie: aggressive policies, inside & outside homes & a worldwide MESS!)
If we go deeper into the meanings of sexual act and the words associated with it, we could come up with better, more sensible ideas:
“Doing” is less valuable than “giving”
Giving is more valuable than ANYTHING else, because it is the Law of Existence: we are GIVEN this life & we have NOT EARNED it.
“Doing” could be very dangerous with much hate & violence in the hearts of men( as we witness the wars all over the village are done by men!).
The ONLY remedy is Love,(Feminine Energy) the ONLY thing which can stop war.
ONLY “Giving” or LOVE (The Basic Law of Nature) may save this mad world.
And if those suppressed & power-hungry guys who make the world wounded & kill innocent people, had a healthy & fulfilled sexual life, they would NEVER get into those ugly games of terror & violence (State or Private makes no difference!)
The story is long & the time is short, so I cut it here & invite your critics on the above.
In English the story is the same, yet with different flavor !
Here, to conclude with some laughter, I offer you the following, which was a paper offered to Osho, in one of His discourses & He shared it with us:
{Osho,: Dhammapada, series 11, pp?! }
for exact info: please visit www.osho.com

{ “One the most interesting words in English language today, is the word “fuck.”
It is one magical word! Just by its sound, it can describe pain, pleasure, hate & love.
In language, it falls into MANY grammatical categories:
It can be used AS verb, BOTH transient (John fucked Mary), and intransient (Mary was fucked by John), AND AS a noun (Mary is a fine fuck)
It can also be used AS an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful).
As you can see, there are NOT many words with such versatility, besides the sexual meaning.
There are also the following uses:
Fraud: “I got fucked @ the used car lot.”
Ignorance: “Fucked, if I knew!”
Trouble: “I guess I am fucked now!”
Aggression: “fuck you!”
Displeasure: “ what the fuck is going on here?”
Difficulty: “I can’t understand this fucking job!”
Impotence: “He is a fuck-off!”
Suspicion: “What a fuck are you doing?”
Enjoyment: “ I had a fucking good time!”
Request: “get the fuck out of here!”
Hostility: “I am going to knock your fucking head off!”
Greeting: “How the fuck are you?!”
Apathy: “Who gives a fuck?!”
Innovation: “ get a bigger fucking hammer!”
Surprise: “Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!”
Anxiety: “Today is really fucked!”}

love & love & love………………

Love is me, love is you…..

Love is me, love is you…..
Love is he, love is she……
But why loving is so “simple in the beginning” and SO hard when practicing?
The why lies in the law:
Law of Love = Which is Giving & giving & giving…………..
By this “love” I mean the purest form:
Beyond sex & self
Beyond the calculating mind.
A Form with least of our minds & the most of our hearts.
A love free from possession & greed,
Free from jealousy & cheat.
Love is the stuff we are made of, yes, love is our core ingredient.
Yet we forget easily who we are!
We think we are this & that __ we keep the non-essentials & forget the real love.
Love is our food for the soul.
And how starving our souls are!

Rain of love, showering hard, may remind us of our true nature,

به حسین درخشان به بهانه ی تولد حافظ

سلام بر همگي: تولد پير فرزانه، حافظ عزيز بر همگان مبارك
. جشن نور Diwaliم . "شعر حافظ همه بيت الغزل معرفت است
." امروز در يك جمعيت، با حافظ فالي رفتم براي همين جمع، و چنين آم==== شاهد قبلي: ديشب به سيل اشك ره خواب مي زدم نفشي به ياد خط تو بر آب مي زدم ........تا......... خوش بود وقت حافظ و فال مراد و كام بر نام عمر و دولت احباب مي زدم ... اولش خواندم "...مرا 2 كام!" قابل توجه ما دوتا دات كام!! ( كه هنوز نمي دونم چيه!)
هر چند پير و خسته دل و ناتوان شدم هر گه كه ياد روي تو كردم، جوان شدم - شكر خدا ....
. جناب آقاي درخشان عزيز: چون حتماً اين ص را بيشتر مي خوانيد، خواهشمندم پاسخي به ما بدهيد كه آيا پيوست هاي مرا تاكنون دريافت كرده ايد و يا خير . به جان همگي كار "شخصي" نيست و به خودتان ( كارتان ) و بقيه فارسي زبان ها مربوط است!!
باز هم صبر مي كنم براي دريافت يك "آري" يا "نه" - فعلاً همين را بيشتر نمي خواهم!!
شاد و شاد و شاد............ صفاي شما وبلاگيون را عشق است.{
محسن خاتمي:: حسين عزيز و درخشان: در تمام اين سايت ها "مث يه تيكه جواهر" مي درخشي.
آفتابت هميشه پرفروز باشد. از مقالات "حيات نو" تا اينجا دوست داشتم نوشته هايت را بخوانم و لذت ببرم.
دوست دارم به جمع وبلاگيون بپيوندم ولي فعلاً ممكن نيست.
راهنمايت را ذخيره كرده ام براي آن روز. ....
از اينكه جشن مهرگان عزيز را زنده نگه داشته اي از طرف خودم و تمام ايرانيان اصيل از تو وجود نازنين ممنونم. دوستدارت

رقص مفاهیم و واژگان

حرفه ام رقاصی است
رقص مفاهیم و واژگان
پیچ و تابی از یک زبان به زبانی دیگر

رقص انگشتان، بی حساب و ترتیب، روی صفحه کلید!
موسيقي مرشد، مغز من و انگشتان رقصانم
و جریانی از حرکت و پیچ و تاب:
در دلم و دلهای تماشاگران یا خوانندگان!

چیست این حرفه که مرا سخت گرفته
و شوق آن نمی گذارد به کاری دیگر بپردازم که چنین "بی حاصل" نباشد؟

آری رقصیدن با کلام مرشد د راینک و اینجا حاصلی جز لذت لحظه ای برای خودم ندارد:
نه آبی و نه نانی می دهد این رقص اکنون!
راستی چرا من از این رقص دست برنمی دارم؟


What are BEHIND and BEYOND sex?
BEHIND it is and BEYOND it is
And from sex to SAMADHI is a possible journey,
ONLY if our actions in life are headed for that BLISFUL END.
Samadhi= DEATH too!
And DEATH is a sure end (at least for this time!)
BUT if we ignore our blissful soul,
sex will always be an obstacle.

"friends forgot love"!

12:07 pm, Saturday, Nov.02.2002, Pune’

Perhaps the whole story now & here is to say some facts about this
“DAMESHGH=Damascus” __as Saadi says:
“…Chonan ghaht-Sali shod andar Damesh,
ke yaran faramush kardand ESHGH!”

When people forget love,
hatred & violence are only the consequence,
NOT the cause!!
The cause is No-Love = hatred
and preached by many & they bring it on the air....

3 thankful notes

Pune, spring 2001

From Mulla-field to Buddha-field………….
Yes, a quite journey!
Those priest there, who are full of complexes,
made my home a rut.
How could we live in that darkness?
We needed some light.
So we traveled to this Buddha-field, where there is still some light and some love.
From darkness to light: from violence to peace: from hatred to love.
What a trip.
Thank to Osho, the Buddha of this century.
What a blessing…

What a blessing…
To be here
What a move?
Thanks the whole existence for the Great-Escape!
Escaping for my own life?
No, for the better lives of many Farsi-speaking people.
There, I could die any moment from any “sudden-planned-accident”!
But here, Arya can grow in a richer soil.

I have seen the dark side of it too_____ it is so obvious one cannot miss it!
But the world is so different here than it was there.
Imagine if he had never seen these people here…
How could he believe the difference?

Anyway, that basic move was needed.
What is needed now is some unoccupied time dedicated to the rest of the work.
What is this work that triggered me to make that move?

7/16/05 Pune , Bharata:
What a real blessing!
Here, now, with people who have been with Him…….
In the same surrounding, same Hall….
Yes it is a real blessing.
Alone at home, feeling love for you all, well rested, no worries, only dreams,
His ”dreams” which he leaves for us.
Dreams of love & kindness,
No violence, no war, no sickness, no hatred.
Only love, in its highest form: Compassion.
And this is the REAL blessing: to have mercy in heart, being compassionate, merciful.

An autobiography زندگینامه ای به انگلیسی

Born as a Virgo, and the 5th child into a middle class family,
in Tehran, Iran, in 1951 (21 of Sept). Had very early "love" feelings and warm soft emotions, as a little boy!

A long deep love-affair as a teenager! High school Diploma, in mathematics,1969. Drop out from Vanak Technology Institute, Civil Engineering, 1971.A real mis-match in the pre-revolution culture of Iran!

Served as a "drummer" in the army (1971-1973), then moved to USA to study Civil Engineering. Changed my major after one year to physical Therapy, but due to my "attitude" (the way i used to dress and my associations with minorities, despite my good academic record, i was rejected to continue in that major.

So i made my special major, Interactive Media, a combination of Early childhood Education and Instructional Media. The next two years, i was studying in The Center for Media Study, learning the science and art of communication and specialized in "news media".

1979-1984, worked for Bayer Iranchemie AG, Tehran office. Then resigned to experience a "free" carrier, as a "book shop owner" in the remote village of Kelardasht, north of Iran.
One year was enough of such experience in such a place and moved back to the capital and was hired by Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines, as the public relation officer and international affair staff.

After 2 years, i was transferred to IRIB (IRI broadcasting monster-liar!)and could only survive there for one year, as "news editor" and Asia Vision Satellite coordinator.

Then i turned free lance, in a non-free society which was ruled by mean and hypocrite chauvinists! (you may just guess how much i enjoyed the suffering!)
in 1991, co-founded Mehr Research Institute, and produced/edited many "instructional materials" on communication, self-realization, yoga & self-development techniques for our members. After meeting (in the heart) my beloved Osho, in 1991 (the year He left His body),through reading some of His words, i started translating His books, until present time. Five of my Osho books are published in Iran so far, heavily censored and many are hopelessly awaiting "permission" from the Ministry of Islamic Censorship!

Zartushtra, The God That Can Dance, Osho's commentaries on Thus Spake Zartushtra, is waiting there for almost 4 years; and despite much "cuttings", still the "false" is afraid of its "truth".

Last week i have managed my first professional bi-lingual website, www.osho4iran.com, so i may be able to present my work to the intended audience (45% of the population), inside AND outside Iran. Osho is not known properly in Iran, and our people deserve to receive His words in their totality, originality and purity.

One point must be added here: the young Iranians and those who love arts and music and poetry, Iranian artist in general, are very much attracted to the visions of Osho and His books are usually best-sellers in Iran. The only problem is the "un-declared" ban on His books and the censorship which has been applied to His published books.

i enjoy nature, good music, cooking, dancing, silence, meditation ; have 29 years of experience in massage therapy and was a certified Hatha Yoga instructor in Iran.

will be happy to use all my communication skills for the cause. One could be letting others know about our existence!

Censorship is our MAIN problem and ANY support to fight this ugly dis-ease is appreciated by ALL ......... a loving/caring support from AWF for the cause i am involved in = reaching a wide Iranian audience, inside and outside "occupied Iran", and offering them the wonderful Vision of my beloved Osho. freedom loving people of Iran.
2004/06/17 11:41:40 AM

List of the victims, farsi

اسامی بخشی از قربانیان قتل های زنجیره ای وزارت اطلاعات جمهوری اسلامی در داخل کشور

اسامی بخشی از قربانیان قتل های زنجیره ای وزارت اطلاعات جمهوری اسلامی در داخل کشور
(1) 1و2- منوچهر صانعی کارمندی که بر روی اسناد و مدارک بنیاد مستضعفان کار می کرده و فیروزه کلانتری، در 28 بهمن ماه 75 مفقود شدند و جسدشان در 3 اسفند در حالی که با 13 ضربه چاقو کشته شده بودند، کشف شد.
3-دکتر احمد نفضلی ، محقق و نویسنده ، در راه خانه خود مفقود شد. جنازه او روز بعد در حوالی تهران "کشف شد".جمجمعه اش شکست و استخوان های پا و دست وی از جا در آورده شده بود.
4- مهندس حسین برازنده، مفقود در مشهد. در تاریخ 16/10/73 جنازه او در نزدیکی زندان وکیل آباد کشف شد. او فردی مذهبی که تملق از سران رژیم را شرک آلود می دانست .
5- احمد میرعلائی در 2/8/74 به قتل رسید.
6- دکتر فلاح یزدی که در جلو چشمان فرزندانش به قتل رسید. او پزشک حسین علی منتظری بود.
7- استاد سعید سیرجانی، در سال 72 به جرم های مختلف از قبیل، ارتباط با سیا و خرید و فروش مواد مخدر دستگیر، و در 6/9/73 به دست سعید امامی کشته می شود.
8- معصومه مصدق،دختر دکتر غلامحسین مصدق،و نوه محمد مصدق .
9- ابراهیم زال زاده در تاریخ 5/12/75 ناپدید و در فروردین 76 به قتل رسید. سینه و پشت او را با 15 ضربه کارد، پاره پاره کرده بودند.
10- کشیش دیباج در مرداد 1373 در کرج. 11- کشیش میکائیلیان در کرج ، مرداد 1373. 12- کشیش هاپک هوسپیان ، در مرداد 1373 در کرج.
13- سیامک سنجری ، در 13 آبان 75 ، در سن 28 ساله گی و در آستانه جشن ازدواج ، کشته شد.
14- خانم برقعی در وزارت اطلاعات قم به قتل رسیده است. 15- علیان نجف آبادی ، در دی ماه 75 مفقود شده است. 16 - امیر غفوری ، در اسفند 75 مفقود شد. 17- سید محمود میدانی ، در فروردین 76 مفقود شد. 18- غفار حسینی در آبان 75 در اصفهان ربوده و کشته شد. 19و20- حمید حاجی زاده و فرزند 9 ساله اش در کرمان ربوده و کشته شدند.
21- حسین سرشار، خواننده اپرا ، به جرم دوستی با استاد سعید سیرجانی ، او را پس از دستگیری مورد شکنجه قرار دادند که براثر آن حافظه خود را از دست داد. وی را در آبادان رها کرده و توسط یک تصادف ساختگی به قتل رساندند.
22- محمد تقی زهتابی مورخ و زبان شناس در 9/10/1377 به قتل رسید. 23- شیخ محمد ضیایی، امام جمعه بندرعباس در 13/10/1377 به قتل رسید. 25- ماموستا رییعی ، امام جمعه کرمانشاه. 26- ماموستا فاروق ، امام جماعت در کرمانشاه. 27- کاظمی استاد دانشگاه. 28 - پیروز دوانی . 29- رستمی ، در همدان ربوده و کشته شد. 30- فاطمه قائم مقامی ، به دستور مستقیم فلاحیان کشته شده است. 31- زهرا افتخاری در 1 اسفند ماه سال 76 ربوده و سپس کشته شد. 32- ناصر سبحانی از شاگردان مفتی زاده. 33- قیدی از پرسنل نیروی هوایی جنازه او را که با 30 ضربه چاقو کشته شده بود در سعادت آباد پیدا کردند. 34- حسین فتاپور، آذر 78 ، در برابر خانه اش کشته شد. 35و36- فرزانه مقصود و خواهرزاده اش ، در اسفند 75 با ضربات چاقو کشته شدند. 37- عزت الله علی زاده ، او را "خودکشی" کردند.
38- خسرو قشقائی. پس از دریافت امان نامه از خمینی با تلاش رجبعلی ملایری که به روئيت هاشمی رفسنجانی و خامنه ای رسیده بود ، در حمام خانه رجبعلی ملایری توسط مصطفی کاظمی در شیراز به قتل رسید.
39- دکتر مجید شریف آبان سال 77. 40- داریوس فروهر، در آبان سال 77. 41- پروانه اسکندری فروهر در آبان سال 77 با 30 ضربه چاقو. 42 - محمد مختاری در آذر سال 77 به وسیله طناب خفه شد. 43- محمد جعفر پوینده در آذر سال 77 توسط طناب خفه شد.
44- شمس الدین امیر علایی ، هم کار مصدق و اولین سفیر ایران پس از انقلاب اسلامی در فرانسه ، در مرداد 73 در اثر تصادف ساختگی کشته شد.
45 و . 46 – مهندس کریم جلی و همسر او فاطمه اسلامی ، در 26 دیماه سال 77 در منزل خود به قتل رسیدند.
47 و 48 – جواد امامی ، کارشناس دادگستری و همسرش سونیا آل یاسین در 25 دیماه سال 77 د ر خانه خود کشته شدند. 49- زهره ایزدی ، دانشجوی پزشکی دانشگاه تهران ، در سال 73 کشته شد. 50- دکتر جمشید پرتوی ، متخصص بیماری های قلبی ، پزشک مخصوص احمد خمینی در 24 دیماه سال 77 در خانه خود به شکل مشکوکی به قتل رسید. 51- دکتر خاکسر در تهران به قتل رسانده شد. 52- محمد روانبخش ، کشیش ( با نام محمد باقر یوسفی گزارش شده ) در مرداد 73. 53- محمد نظری ، عضو حزب رنجبران در بندخان 12 دسامبر 92. 54- حسن شاه جمالی ( مسلمان مسیحی شده ) در مرداد 73. 55 - کریم نور علی ، وی را از ترکیه به ایران آوردند. 56- محمد بابائی ، در سقز به قتل رسید. 57- عبد الله باک ، 19 ژوئیه 95 در بوکان. 58- عثمان زورایی ، در سال 91 سردشت. 59- احمد فاطمی ، 12 اوت 92 در سر دشت . 61- محمد ناتوئی ، 12 ژانویه 95 در بازپان . 62- علی تالوره ، در ژوئن 92 مریوان . 63 بهروز تقی زاده ، 16 اوت 94 در ارومیه . 64- سراج الدین جاجوری ، 22 اوت 94 در ارومیه. 65- محمد سعید جادری ، 22 دسامبر 94 در کوی سانجاق . 66- جا کرده ، 1 آوریل 95 در باسرمه . 67 - عبدالکریم جلالی ، 21 مارس 96 در کوی سنجق . 68- سالار جلالی ، 1 سپتامبر 92 در نو سود . 69- محمد جلیل ، 21 سپتامبر 91 در پیرانشهر . 70- رفعت حسینی ، 8 دسامبر 97 در کوی سنجق . 71- الماس خدر ، 1 سپتامبر 91 در اشنویه. 72- محود رحمانی ، 2 ژوئن 92 در پیرانشهر . 73- اصغر رستمی ، 24 اوت 95 در ویلاز رستم .
ضمنآ نام دکتر کاظم سامی (وزير بهداری کابينه مهندس مهدی بازرگان) در اين ليست از قلم افتاده که نامبرده نيز در سال 67 به طرز فجيعی در مطب خود بوسيله آدمکشان رژيم به قتل رسيد